Solutions transport systems

Transition module with micropitch belt

When conveyor systems are placed in a sequential arrangement, significant gaps often arise between these systems. To enable smooth transfer of small products between the different conveyor systems, it is essential to utilize a transition module with a micropitch belt. This transition module acts as a seamless bridge between the systems, ensuring a smooth transition. An additional advantage of the transition module is the heightened level of safety, as the risk of jamming is significantly reduced.

Overall, employing a transition module has positive effects on mutual compatibility, efficiency, and reliability when connecting different conveyor systems. However, it is crucial to understand the specific requirements and challenges in your situation to assess whether the use of a transition module is meaningful.

The transition module can be powered by a 3-phase motor, or the drive shaft can be linked through a chain or toothed belt transmission.

Figure 1:


28 August 2023


Transition module